The Disaffected Lib: You’re Toast. Raytheon’s RIOT Has Your Number
Leading U.S. defence contractor, Raytheon, has developed RIOT, the Rapid Overlay Information Technology software programme that can gather, sort, digest and analyze all your social media telltales....
View ArticleThe Disaffected Lib: The Face of Corporate Feudalism
Democracy is reeling. Corporatist authoritarianism is quietly ascendant. Rights and freedoms are now being issued with price tags and, if you can’t afford them, you don’t get them. Zoe Williams,...
View ArticleEclectic Lip: The surveillance state is an autoimmune disorder
Autoimmune disorders (Wikipedia prefers autoimmune diseases) occur when the body’s defenses — antibodies — no longer distinguish between healthy tissue and harmful cells. Instead of focusing on the...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: The Real Crime of Bradley Manning
I suppose it could have been worse. He could have got sixty years, he got thirty-five. Thirty-five years for telling the truth, blowing the whistle on war crimes. Among the 700,000 classified...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: General Alexander’s Scary Star Trek Fantasy
He is the man most responsible for taking the surveillance state into a new and even more sinister Orwellian age. The General who while working in Iraq decided that instead of just monitoring...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: Is the Harper Regime Spying on the Brazilians?
We know he wants total control. We know that he believes that the end justifies the means. We know that Canadian mining companies are some of the most ruthless and rapacious companies on earth.But did...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: The Con Regime and the Surveillance State
Normally the sight of the moon rising over Mount Royal on a beautiful cloudless night would make me whoop with joy at the thought that I had finally escaped from Harperland. If only for a few precious...
View ArticleThe Disaffected Lib: Mother Jones’ Modest Proposal
Like me, you probably share that sinking feeling that privacy is gone for good, dead without so much as a fight. If you want a reasonable degree of privacy any more you have to live self-sustainably...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: Stephen Harper’s Sinister Plan to Monitor Social Media
He invited world leaders to his G20 summit, and then allowed the Americans to spy on them. He had his CSEC agents spy on the Brazilians. He has just unveiled a Trojan horse cyber-bullying bill that...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: Is Stephen Harper Working for the Americans?
It's a chilling story, a dark tale of spooks and Cons, with a little bit of Big Brother, and more than a hint of treason. And I hesitate to write about it eh? Lest my phone start clicking and hissing...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: Why Has Stephen Harper Not Fired Chuck Strahl?
It's been more than two days since we found out that Chuck Strahl, Canada's spy watchdog, is moonlighting as a lobbyist for Enbridge.And by so doing has erased the boundaries between the petro state...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: Harperland: Where Big Brother Meets You at the Airport
You've just got back to Canada. You have some time to kill before your connecting flight.You whip out your mobile phone to check out the web, using the airport's free Wi-Fi.Only to have Big Brother...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: The Con Regime and the Shadow of Big Brother
I'd like to believe Canada's spy masters when they tell me they're not spying on Canadians. I'd like to believe I'm still living in a democracy and not a budding police state. I'd like to think that...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: Stephen Harper and the Twisted Priorities of the Con Regime
It looks as if the ghastly partnership of Stephen Harper and Jimbo Flaherty is heading for a messy breakup.For after first appearing to agree with Flaherty that his income splitting plan was fatally...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: Edward Snowden and the Scary Secrets of Stephen Harper
I'm glad that The Guardian and the Washington Post have been awarded a Pulitzer Prize for their reporting on the out of control activities of the National Security Agency. And that Edward Snowden has...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: Stephen Harper and the Big Brother Cons
We know he seeks total control. We know he would be our very own Big Brother.We know he's out of his mind, but would make us pay to make him look good.But who knew he would make us pay to violate our...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: Stephen Harper and the Facebook Creepers
He seeks total control. His dark world is full of enemies and he must know them ALL.His slogan is "Knowledge is Power, Ignorance is Strength. Where he knows everything about us, but we don't know...
View ArticleThe Canadian Progressive: Bill C-13: Harper tries to turn Canada into a...
by: Obert Madondo | May 20, 2014 Call it the Harper Conservatives’ resurrection the Orwellian ghost of Vic Toews. Back in 2012, Canadians nuked the then public safety minister’s Bill C-30. The bill,...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: Stephen Harper: the Scary Madness and the Dangerous Denial
If there was any shadow of a doubt that Stephen Harper has lost sight of the boundary between reason and delusion, or democracy and dictatorship, there can be none now.For he has made a mockery of our...
View ArticleMontreal Simon: Stephen Harper’s Monstrous Abuse of Power
In two weeks time Parliament is expected to adjourn for the summer. But before it does it will have made this ghastly Harperland an even more sinister place.For never has this country seen such a...
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